Thursday, February 02, 2006

Changes in my mind

I've decided to keep on posting. Keeping a blog, in a strange way, keeps my sanity in check. I absolutely suck at confrontations and when I blog, I get to put my feelings, thoughts, etc. out there. More on this later!
So I've decided to keep going with the whole blog thing. I am trying to figure out how to make my blog a little cozier, including adding a list of fellow bloggers who I read. I'm just starting to figure out how to add a little spunk to my blog so if you have any computer ideas, leave them. I need them! It's taken me an hour to figure out how to make a blog roll (oh, if I miss your name on my blogroll, let me know so I can add you) Please don't get insulted if I don't add you right away, right now i'm trying to figure it out and tonight i'm only staying up through Survivor (it's 8:30 right now!)
Leave me a comment and help me out with this computer thing, okay!


At 7:14 AM , Blogger Charlie Mc said...

glad you are sticking around as well!

Was it me, or did Survivor suck last night?

At 11:23 AM , Blogger Erik said...

I'm not on the list yet? *gasps* I'm insulted... that's it, I'm leaving!

*laughs* Kidding of course. Glad to see you're coming back. Take care.

At 4:33 PM , Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

Thanks everyone for being happy I'm staying. I am too! Don't worry Eric I will be putting you on my list, it just took me about 45 minutes to figure out how to add people (dammed if i can figure out how to do a drop down box!)
Charlie, survivor definitely sucked last night! I could not get into it!

At 12:01 PM , Blogger Dawn said...

It is really hard to post right now because I can't see through the tears....I don't see my name on your blogroll but maybe I am missing it because of all the tears. ;)

Glad to see that you are still blogging.

At 12:01 AM , Blogger thtgrl said...

i went through the same thing. "i'm quitting!" and "i can't quit right now." it took me a while to edit some of my posts for the benefit of not hurting a reader that knows me. i didn't realize i was going to need to be careful about what i said. i'm glad you are staying. tips for gadgets and code can be found at just be sure to copy your template and save it in notepad before you start messing with it! that way if you screw something up you can always paste it back. good luck!

At 7:58 AM , Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

I promise...I promise to blog roll everyone as soon as I figure this stuff out!

TG - I went to that website, cut and paste to make a drop down box and now my side bar stuff has moved down low (blogging 101 here I come)


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