Thursday, April 13, 2006


All hail the Queen! That's what I am, the queen of holding her tongue! I am in a horrible mood. I've been in a horrible mood all week. Everybody knows it! It's not like I've been hiding it. I've warned everyone.

So, why does everyone feel the need to piss me off. You've all been warned! Every where I turn someone has been saying that something to piss me off. The thing is everyone has been saying things that I could make a smart ass comment back to them. Things that would hurt their feelings so I've holding my tongue. I counted, five people either im'ed me, emailed me, spoke to me or call me with a shitty comment. Comments that have annoyed me to the point where I've wanted to respond and in the mood I've been in, the responses wouldn't be nice. But I've held my tongue. I've been nice, ignored, or have exited the conversation quickly. I'm going with the theory that I'm just being overly sensitive and that I'm not, in normal moods, a doormat that most people just walk all over. Well, hopefully my shit mood will lift soon and I'll find out!!


At 5:02 AM , Blogger Cherry! said...

Welcome to the club! For I, too, have a chip on my shoulder that I can't seem to shake off. My tongue's starting to hurt though from biting it so much.

I'm turning to alcohol and lots of it tonight.

At 8:52 AM , Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

Liv - definitely wasn't you
Cherry - I'm thinking alcohol would be BAD for the mood I'm in...the tongue would definitely break free

At 5:56 PM , Blogger Kris said...

Girls who don't hold their tongues get called join the bitch club because its just so much more entertaining...

Besides sometimes you gotta let it out or hope you can find lots of alcohol! I hope you have a better weekend!

At 3:29 AM , Blogger Erik said...

*ducks and runs for cover*


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