Sunday, March 05, 2006


One of my goals for 2006 is to get out and date more. 2005 was kind of a pathetic couple of first date’s year. I kind of feel like I need to get out and have more fun so why not do more dating. So I signed up for this on-line dating site. STORIES....STORIES....STORIES....WILL BE A COMING!!

Here we go story #1: The Drama King!!
So I'm on the dating site and get this im from this guy who I'll call the Drama King (DK for short). So this is what the im session looked like -paraphrased (my thoughts in parenthesis)

DK - I just sent you an email have you read it
ME - (so much for a hi, how are you) NO not yet
DK - well I’ll wait go read it
ME (okay ...weirdo alert starting to go up) Well why don’t' you tell me what it says since we're talking (you know a conversation)
DK - well I sent it to you in an email just go read it
ME - (a little annoyed) Wouldn't you rather tell me while talking instead of me going and reading it (you know, like a conversation)
DK - no, I'll wait
ME (annoyed now and trust me he's not looking good) ok...hold on

Now here is part of the email

"while I can have the patience of a saint in most areas, and realize we all have our own "issues and baggage" to deal with, my goal on this site is to meet and marry my bashert and not get caught up in her drama or be a knight in shining armor. I am happy to work with my partner to lighten her baggage, but I'm also here to date assertively and not be a problem solver. Folks hire consultants for that. Again, not bitter here, just getting tired of the drama. If one really wants to marry, then one should be considering it a full time job in addition to one's "real" full time job, which is what I do. How about you?"

Ok, now from this email I am so not interested. No I do not consider finding someone I want to marry a full time job. I have a life. If it happens, it happens. Plus, this is not a happy email that I want to get from someone on a first meeting. Light and fluffy that's what I want before I even know your first name.

DK - Did you read it yet? Do you have a lot of drama in your life?
ME (being all philosophical...thinking this guy is a major freak) I think that everybody has a lot of things going on in their lives but drama is all about how you handle it
DK - I don’t' have anything going on in my life and I don't want someone with a lot of drama going on in their lives. Too many girls I've met have a lot of drama in their life and I'm not interested in it.
ME - (seriously annoyed right now) To me hearing this stuff from you is allot of "issues and baggage" on your part. I don't even know you and you are giving me all this junk.
DK - So I take it your not interested
Me - (duh-huh) No, sorry. Have a nice life. (you crazy nut)

There was a couple of other freaky stuff but that was the gist of it!

So this is the start of my on-line dating. Wish me luck and if not luck with meeting someone fun and exciting, at least wish for me interesting stories to tell you! I'm sure there will be lots!!!!


At 2:25 PM , Blogger Cherry! said...

Keep us updated! I have posted a few times about internet dating. The vast majority of them are freaks, and I get bored so easily so after 'hi' when IM'ing I'm yawning! hahaha!

At 5:10 PM , Blogger thtgrl said...

NOOO! NOT J-DATE! Hasn't IG warned you? I wish you the best of luck-- stories are a'comin', that's for sure. Be careful!

At 7:24 PM , Blogger cosmopolgirl said...

Cherry, I'm not fond of im'ing either but this was awful!!

IG has warned me tons of times before but hey....what the will at least be food for this fodder!

At 2:45 AM , Blogger Erik said...

And I always think that I'm the weird guy out there. *laughs* Guess not...

At 12:52 PM , Blogger Bethany said...

Stay away from e-Harmony too! Lots of freaks on there. Hwever, there are lots of freaks that aren't online too.... :)

At 4:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who call people weird, are normally very very dangerous people


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