Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Some days it just doesn't pay to leave the house. Last night I drove over to Toyota Guys house. It was hot so I poured myself a glass of ice water and put it in the car. I plugged my cell phone into the charger and went driving on my merry way. About ten minutes later I decided to grab a drink...pick up the cup and floating in my cup was my phone...totally submerged!! The phone would not work! I had no screen, no nothing! I got to TG's house and, of course, he wasn't home yet. The truth is that it's not even like I could go to the pay phone and call him because I have no clue what his phone number is. They're programmed into the cell. I have no home number. My cell is my life. I'm completely unreachable.
Today, after yelling at me about picking up my lungs off of the desk, HipChick put my cell phone on her heater. (Yes, it's 90 degrees but our office is so cold you need to put a heater on) I now have a screen but cannot use the buttons. If the phone isn't working by tomorrow I'm going to get a new one. For tonight, MB lent me her phone so the single, live alone girl has some form of communication with the outside world!
So my new voice mail says,


At 11:38 PM , Blogger Erik said...

At least your phone was cool...

At 11:48 PM , Blogger Hey Jo said...

ok, Erik.. you totally stole my thoughts.. I was going to post the same thing. scary, eh??? oh well...

At 8:45 AM , Blogger Kris said...

I had the same thing happen..I live through my cell..except my screen on my phone broke and I couldn't see who I was calling or who was calling me. Thank god, Verizon can pull your phone list from your phone still has power. Otherwise I would of been shit out of luck.

How are things with Toyota Guy?

At 5:11 AM , Blogger Cherry! said...

Mine broke once in a weird way. It would ring and I couldn't answer it, I'd get a message and couldn't check it. Actually this happened to TWO of my phones!

I think you'll have to buy a new one!

At 8:18 PM , Blogger HipChick said...

I can't believe I put your phone near a heater!

At 2:44 PM , Blogger Blue944 said...

Sometimes the phone will work when it dries out. But mnainly you just have to replace it. I hope your address book is backed up somewhere...


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