Wednesday, September 06, 2006


How do I get myself into these things? i really need to learn to say no and not got caught up into things at the moment. What did I get suckered into this time you ask? This Friday I, cosmopolgirl, am hosting a Pampered Chef party at my house. What the heck was I thinking? Invitations have been sent out so there is no getting out of it. Especially because people don't know what the initials RSVP means. For those of you out there in the dark, let me help you out...RSVP stands for PICK UP THE DAMM PHONE AND CALL TO LET SOMEONE KNOW EITHER WAY IF YOU ARE GOING TO THEIR DAMM PARTY!! So basically I've invited 25 people and have heard from about 10. The party is at around 6pm so I have to serve food. Unfortunately who knows how much food I have to serve. What a damm pain! I do not like entertaining at my house. I do not like my house. If I had a nice house I may like entertaining but I don't. It's cosmetically falling apart but people are coming Friday night. How the heck do I get myself into these things??



At 7:23 PM , Blogger Hey Jo said...

Just keeping saying to yourself.... I will get lots of free stuff, I will get lots of free stuff.

The trick is to turn them into a big party. We have now learned to do these things on a weekend, event type of party. Sometimes revolving around a football game... get people liquored up and they buy lots more stuff. Esp. if they have the book to look at for a few hours while drinks are consumed.

I understand the house thing. I hate how crappy our carpeting looks but can't quite yet afford to get hardwood floors put in.

At 2:41 PM , Blogger Blue944 said...

can I order some things before you close the account?

At 10:23 PM , Blogger Cherry! said...

People suck with regard tot he RSVP thing. Honestly, it's just rude not to let people know!!

I hope it all goes well!


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