Wednesday, December 27, 2006


So, with the new year approaching do you make resolutions? Do you make promises to yourself that you may not be able to keep? I don't think that this just happens over the new years. I think people make promises to themselves all the time that they can't keep. But when do you draw the line? When do you stop making promises to yourself that you just can't keep and when do you learn to keep the promises?
Lately, I feel like I've been makibg promises to myself that I'm just not keeping and the truth is that I'm starting to hate myself for it. So I have to figure out why I'm not keeping these promises. Is it that they are just out of reach promises with too high hopes? OR Is it that I just don't want to keep them? OR the scariest one of all Am I just not strong enough to keep the promises? Am I weak?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Because I don't appreciate being lectured on my blog by people who don't even leave their names so that I can comment back, I have decided to no longer allow anonymous comments on my blog. If you would like to comment on my blog, feel free, but identify yourself.
Also, please remember when I blog, it's for me. It's to get out my frustrations, elaborate on my happiness, etc. If you don't agree, that's fine but please don't lecture me because frankly your life isn't perfect either and your thoughts aren't always 100% pure.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Welcome to the holiday season. The suckiest time of the year (yes...I'ld like a table for bitter party of one). I am not a holiday kind of person. I really don't like this time of year but I still participate in it. Why do I participate in something I detest? Because it shows that I care. That's really what gift-giving is all about. It's about showing someone that you care about that you care enough that you spend your limited time to go fight the crowds with aching feet to get them something that you know that they'll appreciate it. That's what it's about showing that you care.
So my question is.... what do you do if someone doesn't feel the need to show that they care? Do you just accept it? Settle for something less than you desearve? Yell and scream and cry because you're not appreciated? Or do you just let it go? Let it go, knowing that you are not appreciated, cared about or though about?


Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I know, I know, I haven't posted in about a month. I just haven't been creative lately. I've been reading your blogs, to the few readers I have left, I just haven't been posting comments either. I'm so sorry for that. Well. I've decided to steal this post from Kris. If you haven't read her blog, go do it. She's great!

So this is my year in blog review!!
JANUARY In January, I shut down my blog and swore I would never post again. That lasted all of three days. Which brings us to......

FEBRUARY In February, I updated my blog and gave it a whole new look. It was something to do while I got snowed in at my grandmothers house. Personally, I was at a stand still and needed changes.

MARCH In March, I started on-line dating again. Damm those are some funny blogs. I also had a really hard time when I was screwed in taxes and thought I was going to have to go on the Ramen Noodle diet.

APRIL In April, more bad blind dates. I went through a huge bitter period. People were hiding from my moody self. Then in the end of April, I actually went on a good first date (with Toyota Guy.)

MAY In May, I turned 31 years old. Was bitter waiting for Toyota Guy to actually kiss me and then realized that, damm, I'm a girly-girl and could admit that I like a boy, especially when he calls me from Brew at the Zoo.

JUNE I became an addict and joined LA (aka....LOST annonymous) and went on a cruise with the family.

JULY I whined about the heat, puked on the grassy knoll (aka. met toyota guys family), took my cell phone swimming and finally met two awesome people (Blue and That Girl)

AUGUST In August I whored myself out for Yankee Tickets, cried and cried and cried, and fought a bat who wanted to become my new roommate.

SEPTEMBER I introduced Toyota Guy to my mother and almost got a new job until they decided that they couldn't mpay me what I was worth.

OCTOBER October was all about my accident that sent me on a trip to shock trauma. I'm still dealing with that (or at least my lawyer is).

NOVEMBER In November, I started my inspiration downfall....which brings up to
